Studies say that about 40% of the food produced in India is wasted. About 90% of the food throwing away ends up in landfills or combustion facilities. Recycling by composting, turning wasted food into animal feed, "left overs" to useful products, source reduction, are some ways by which food waste can be managed. Reducing waste food benefits us in many ways, like saving money, reducing methane emissions, conserving energy and resources, preventing environmental pollution, supports the community, etc. Compost is the organic material that can be added to soil to help the plants to grow and to nourish the soil. food scraps and yard waste should be composted instead of throwing away. making compost keeps these materials out of landfills, where they release methane which is a potent greenhouse gas (GHGs).
TIES as part of its capacity building initiatives is training the community on how to manage food waste at household levels and transforming it into fertilizers . An online training is conducted on "Home Waste Management Solutions" by TIES on 24th July 2021. Training covers waste, waste management, different home waste management solutions, composting (what and how to and what not to) benefits of composting, how to compost at home, etc.
Training details:
Date of Training: 24.07.2021
Registration Fee: 100/-
Registration Link: