



Nature lovers come let's join together to count the little wonders...DRAGONFLIES and DAMSELFLIES. 

Tropical Institute of Ecological Sciences is conducting its Seventh Meenachil River Odonate Survey on December 11th, 2022. The survey will cover 15 sites from Adukkam to Malarickal.

The number and species diversity of dragonflies is an indicators of the ecosystem soundness of our water resources. Therefore, the findings of the study are very crucial for taking stringent conservation actions. The prominent odontologists of South India will take part in the survey. The researchers, students, and others interested in taking part in the survey could participate in the program. The training for dragonfly survey methods and identification will be held at the TIES campus, Velloor on December 10th, 2022. The survey covers the entire length of the Meenachil River, starting from Adukkam to Malarickal. 

Passionate Nature Lovers Can Join

For more details contact Mr. Sarath Babu N B, +91 9496794305

Program Itinerary

Day 1 (10/12/2022; at TIES campus, 10:00 am to 1:00 pm)


10:00 am        Inauguration; Icebreaking of the survey team

10:30 am        Introduction to dragonflies by Dr. Abraham Samuel K

12:00 pm        Dragonfly population survey methodology

1:00 pm          Conclusion

 Day 2 (11/12/2022)

8:00 am          Reaching survey sites

12:00 pm        Ending the survey

1:00 pm          Getting back to TIES

2:00 pm-         Report preparation

3:00 pm         

3:30 pm          Closing remarks and report publishing


Registration Link