

World Bee Day Celebration


Bees- the tiny miracle workers, have a vital role on our planet. Bees offer many roles like ensuring food security, major pollinators, and livelihood support. The backbone of the mesmerizing biological diversity is the bees. But, now due to the human greed for development, climate change has become a major concern in the whole World. Deforestation, pollution, and associated climate change have affected the ecosystem. Honey bees, our little pollinators is also highly affected by these drastic environmental changes.

TIES as part of the World Bees Day Celebration is conducting a webinar on “ Apiculture Prospects & Challenges”.The lead talk will be by Dr Sajan K Jose, Associate Professor, St Joseph’s College, Moolamattom.



Progarmme Details:

 Meeting Link:

Meeting Time: 7pm-9pm